Our legal assistance services provided in criminal, civil and family law matters involve:
1. Advice Matters – Legal advice or information that is not provided as part of Duty or Casework Matters. This includes the provision of a free-call telephone advice service, referrals, preliminary assistance in the writing of short letters and the completion of forms;
2. Duty Matters – Attendance at court and receipt of initial instructions by a lawyer. This includes all mentions, pleas, applications including for bail, or adjournments performed on a duty lawyer basis, or where the matter is completed on the same day; and
3. Casework Matters – Ongoing legal services in relation to a particular legal problem, such as conducting a defended hearing. It is not necessary that the matter involve litigation. Casework Matters may also include the provision of detailed legal advice or the negotiation of a claim for or against the client.
ATSILS also provides 24 hour legal representation and advice on criminal matters for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Info Line (Legal)Zest2022-04-12T15:57:32+10:00
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