Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Services:
Provides assessment, case management, counselling, controlled drinking strategies, education and information for people dependent on alcohol & other drugs.
An opioid substitution program is also available providing alcohol & other drug withdrawal management as well as inpatient alcohol & other drug management services and an opioid maintenance treatment program.
The service also assists with home detoxification and provides support, education, training, consultation and liaison.
Opioid Replacement Treatment Program:
An outpatient clinic provides methadone, buprenorphine & naloxone treatment programs for people attempting to free themselves from addiction to opioid narcotics.
Clients choose long or short-term programs and are offered an active role in their rate of drug withdrawal.
Detoxification Day Program:
A day program providing assessment, treatment and support for people wishing to undergo alcohol detoxification under medical supervision.
Education and rehabilitation services are also offered.