Relationship Counselling:
Provides relationship counselling and family mediation where the family is experiencing unresolved conflict.
Intensive Family Support:
Provides intensive early intervention and prevention assistance for vulnerable families with infants, children and young people 0 to 18 years old who are at risk of involvement in the statutory child protection system.
Support in the consent-based program includes pro-active engagement, outreach support, group work and case management interventions.
All individuals who identify as being family members of the referred child and consent to engage are eligible for the service.
Case managers work collaboratively with families to identify and prioritise their presenting needs and provide intensive support interventions and engagement with specialist services.
Family Dispute Resolution Services:
Provides support and assistance for couples who have separated, or are in the process of separating, to reach agreements on parenting, property, financial & personal concerns.
Relationship Education Courses:
Provides relationship education courses including pre-marriage education; relationship education; family skills & parenting; adjusting to separation; and family violence prevention.
Parenting Orders Program (POP):
An educational support program for separated parents to assist them to focus on the best interests of their children, reduce conflict & court involvement and improve co-parenting.
Children's Contact Services:
Provides supervisors and a venue for supervised meetings between non-residential parents and their children.
Supervisors are also available for hand-over of children between separated parents.
Service provision may be court authorised or by personal agreement.