QuIHN Ltd is an independent not-for-profit providing a range of specialist social and medical services relating to alcohol, other drug use and mental health.
Operating Queensland-wide, QuIHN provides programs across a continuum of care comprising of harm reduction programs, therapeutic programs and primary medical care.
At QuIHN we envision a world where all people who use substances are able to reach their full potential and the health and wellbeing outcomes of our communities is maximised.
Alcohol And Other Drugs Outreach Program: this primarily works with referrals from the Hospital and Health Service (HHS) area and provides an outpatient case management and counselling service with the capacity to provide limited after hour’s services to those affected by alcohol and/or substance use concerns.
Treatment and Management Program (TMP) – Hepatitis C Treatment Support: this program offers flexible and tailored support to People Who Inject Drugs (PWID), people on Opiate Substitution Therapy (OST), and people accessing drug rehabilitation services during all stages of Hepatitis C diagnosis, treatment, and post-treatment in a non-judgmental and respectful environment. This program seeks to provide innovative strategies and models of care that aim to increase access to treatment/care.
Qld Pharmacotherapy Advice & Mediation Service (QPAMS): this is a peer based service supporting people who are on pharmacotherapy treatment in QLD. It aims to provide people with information and support about methadone, buprenorphine or other opiates treatment, as well as refer them to clinics and GP’s to find out more about treatment. Anyone can call QPAMS on 1800 175 889, a confidential, free call number.
Needle & Syringe service: this service offers a range of programs and activities aimed at reducing HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, and Sexually Transmissible Infections (STI) among People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) and those at risk of injecting drug use. Such services include:
Needle and Syringe Program (NSP)
Education, training and workforce development for health care and other human services
Education programs and information provision for people who inject drugs and those at risk of injecting
Non clinical counselling and a range of support groups
Health Promotion interventions and events promoting awareness around relevant issues i.e. World AIDS Day
A range of high quality printed & electronic resources
General welfare support
Peer Education: this program aims to reduce drug-related harms and promote the health of people who use substances through effecting changes in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours in individual substance users, and influencing the norms and culture in substance use groups.
Individual Counselling: QuIHN offers individual clinical counselling for people whose lives are affected by substance use and related mental health and/or parenting and family issues that may be present. Therapeutic and psychosocial education and support groups are also available to complement the individual counselling.
MudMaps Group: this program, based in Brisbane, is a facilitated open psychosocial education group for individuals making or contemplating changes to behaviours relating to substance use (opioid, amphetamines and/or cannabis) use or the interaction of co-occurring substance and mental health (dual diagnosis).
MAISE Group: QuIHN offers an 8-week course on Mental Health and Illicit Substance Education (MAISE) which is a psychoeducational group usually runs for a few hours each week over an 8-week period. This is a closed group and requires assessment before being registered for the next group.
The Treehouse Parenting Program: This therapeutic group program engages parents who experience substance use and mental concerns in a non-judgemental and supportive manner.
GP Services:
We are a bulk billing General Practice for eligible Medicare card holders. We also provide low cost care for those who do not hold a Medicare card. Appointment fees for patients without a Medicare card are based on the length of the consultation with the G.P.
Better Access Medical Clinic provides services in; General Health; GP Management Plans (including Mental Health and other Health Care Plans); Sexual Health & Blood Borne Viruses; Hepatitis C Treatment & Management; Opiate Substitution Therapy (OST); and Work Cover and Pre-Employment Medicals.
We provide:
• General sexual health checks & STI treatment;
• Sex Workers Certificates; HIV management (s100 prescribers);
• Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) & Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP);
• Rapid Point of Care HIV testing (POCT);
• Cryotherapy (freezing genital lesions); and
• Insertion/ removal of contraceptive devices.