Far North Queensland
Sub Region
South (of Cooktown)

Information & Referral:
Provides information and referral services for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people.

Domestic Violence Counselling & Support:
Provides culturally appropriate individual & group counselling for Aboriginal families affected by domestic violence.

Promotion of Aboriginal Language & Culture:
The Corporation is an accredited training provider that preserves, promotes and revitalises indigenous culture through the provision of traditional language classes for community groups, preschools, schools and TAFEs.

Community Justice Group:
The Community Justice Group (CJG) develops strategies to reduce Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples' contact with the justice system.

The CJG supports Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander victims and offenders at all stages of the legal process including the provision of sentencing submissions to court, attendance at court and visits to prisons & detention centres.

The CJG plays a significant role in networking with agencies to ensure that justice-related issues impacting on the Wujal Wujal community are addressed collectively with a focus on the development of intervention programs.

07 4060 8373
120 Hartwig Street Wujal Wujal QLD 4895