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59-61 Lorikeet Street, Inala Qld, 4077
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5 Bisschop Street, Deception Bay, Queensland 4508
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27 East Street ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700
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13YARN is an Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander crisis support line funded by the Australian Government with the support of Lifeline and developed in collaboration with Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia. It is run by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

We have co-designed this line using Lifeline expertise with several Aboriginal mental health professionals including NACCHO, Black Dog Institute Aboriginal Lived Experience team and the Centre for Excellence in Suicide Prevention along with input from Torres Strait Islander, remote, regional, and urban peoples with lived experience. We work to explore options for ongoing support and community members will always be reassured they will be connected to another Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person who will understand where they are coming from and value knowing HOW to listen, without judgment or shame.

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Level 1 3 Maryborough Street Bundaberg QLD 4670